Monday, April 14, 2014

Spring Happenings

For the last week and a half I’ve been visiting Mombasa and Action Ministry Know Think Act’s other ministry partner that works in a leper community. I’ve been staying with the Sasser family, Know Think Act’s international coordinators who live and work in Mombasa with Action Ministry. It has been a great opportunity to take some time off and relax, as well as spend some time getting to know Action Ministry. While I’m having a great time in Kenya enjoying the beach and the seafood, I would love to share with you some of what has been going on with me in Kaihura for the last month or so.

I have been spending a lot of time working in the Village Art Café helping them improve their customer service, and consistency with their products. It’s been nice to get involved in a new project and it will be great to see the café improve and become more profitable! Who knew so many years of working in a restaurant would become useful in Uganda?
A lot has been going on at the baby house at Home Again. Baby Gladys has been sick, and had to be taken to the hospital, she was having some trouble gaining weight, but the doctors prescribed her a special formula, and she appears to be slowly recovering. Even more recently the population at the baby house increased by three, a few days before I left for Kenya, Faith, myself, and a few others were called on to pick up three triplets whose mother had died during childbirth. So Eve, Eleanor, and Esther are the newest, littlest, members of Home Again. 

Some of you may have heard Everest’s story, but for those that haven’t: Everest was found in his home in terrible condition, he is paralyzed from the chest down, but his legs had been left in terrible condition, with open wounds that rats were eating on during the night. Everest was brought to the clinic where his legs were cleaned and treated. As he continued to heal Everest stayed in Kaihura, and began to help with basket making for the Village Art craft shop, he loves to do craft work and his products are beautiful. Recently Everest went to Kampala to a school that helps paraplegics learn to live more independently, and while he was in the city he was also fitted for a wheelchair that will help with his previously, very limited mobility. I got a call from Faith last week saying that Everest was coming home, so I am very excited to see him in his new wheel chair when I get back to Kaihura.
This next week is my last in Kenya, and I’ll make it back to Kaihura just in time to spend Easter with friends there. Coming back into Uganda will be the last time I have to renew my visa, which is a bittersweet thought. Even so I am very excited to see what God is going to do my last three months in Uganda, and will continue to do as a return to America. I want to thank you all for your continued love and support for me, while I am living and working in East Africa, it is very much felt and appreciated. 

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